【答案】Americans this year will swallow 15000 tons

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Americans this year will swallow 15000 tons of aspirin(阿斯匹林), one of the safest and (62) drugs (63) by man. The most popular medicine in the world today. It is a pain (64) Its bad (65) are relatively mild, (66) it is cheap.

For millions of people suffering from arthritis (关节炎), it is the only thing that works. Aspirin, (67) , is truly the 20th century wonder drug. It is also (68) suicide drug and is the leading (69) of poisoning among children. It has side effects that, (70) relatively mild, are largely unrecognized (71) users.

A small (72) of aspirin (two five-grain tablets) relieves pain and inflammation (炎症). It also reduces fever by interfering (73) some of the body’s reactions. Specially, aspirin seems to (74) the formation of the acids (75) in pain and the complex chemical reactions that 76 fever. The chemistry of these acids is not fully understood, but the slowing effect of aspirin is well-known.

Aspirin is very irritating to the stomach lining(内壁) and many aspiring takers complain (77) upset stomach. There is a right way (78) a wrong Way to take aspirin. The best way is to chew the tablets (79) swallowing them with water but (80) people can (81) the bitter taste. Some people suggest crushing the tablets in milk or orange juice and drinking that.

A.slip up

B.show up

C.slow down

D.slip down
[详细解答] slip up俗语,“犯小错”,因而还产生了slip-up,名词,表示“错误”;slip off和slip down不是固定词组,只可能与原面的名词连用出现; slow down“使……慢下来”。

[试题分析] 动词词组理解。


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