【答案】Mary loved small animals One morning while

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Mary loved small animals. One morning while she was walking in the forest, she found weak birds in the grass. She took them home and put them in a small cage (笼子). She cared them with love and the birds both grew . They thanked her a wonderful song every morning.

But something happened one day. Mary left the door of the open. The larger bird flew from the cage. She thought that it would . As it flew close, she grasped (紧抓) it. She was very excited to catch it. she felt strange. She opened her hand and looked sadly at the bird. Her great love had killed the bird!

The other bird was moving back and forth (来回) in the cage. Mary could its great need for freedom (自由). It wanted to fly into the clear and blue . At once, Mary took the bird the cage and let it fly away. The bird circled once, twice, three times…

小题1:A. some B. several C. two

小题2:A. small B. strong C. thin

小题3:A. with B. for C. about

小题4:A. house B. room C. cage

小题5:A. come back B. die out C. fly away

小题6:A. Suddenly B. Usually C. Easily

小题7:A. living B. interesting C. dead

小题8:A. take B. feel C. say

小题9:A. river B. trees C. sky

小题10:A. out of B. out from C. away of














小题1:考查词法与语境理解。A. some一些;B. several几个;C. two两个,句意:在草中她发现了两只虚弱的小鸟。根据下文提示玛丽带回家的是两只鸟,所以此题选C。

小题2:考查形容词与语境理解。A. small小的;B. strong强壮的;C. thin瘦的,句意:她精心照料这两只鸟,所以它们都长的很强壮,根据句意及语境此题应是选B。

小题3:考查介词与语境理解。A. with 用;B. for为了;C. about关于,句意:它们每天早上用好听的歌曲来感谢她。“用……”此处应是介词with,故选A。

小题4:考查名词与语境理解。A. house 房子;B. room房间;C. cage笼子,句意:玛丽使笼子的门开着了。根据上下文此题是指笼子的门开着了,所以大点的鸟飞出去了,故选C。

小题5:考查词组与语境理解。A. come back回来;B. die out消失;C. fly away飞走,句意:她认为它会飞走的。根据句意及上下文玛丽认为鸟会飞走,所以在它飞近时,她就紧紧的抓住了它,所以此题选C。

小题6:考查副词与语境理解。A. Suddenly突然;B. Usually通常;C. Easily容易地,句意:突然她感到有些奇怪。根据上下文因玛丽太激动把鸟抓死了,所以她感到不对劲才松开的手,故选A。

小题7:考查形容词与语境理解。A. living活的;B. interesting有趣的;C. dead死的,句意:她松开手悲伤的看着那只死鸟。根据下文她的爱杀死了这只鸟,所以此题是C。

小题8:考查动词与语境理解。A. take带走;B. feel感觉;C. say说,句意:玛丽能感觉到它对自由的强烈需要,根据句意及语境此处是“感觉到”,所以选B。

小题9:考查词名词与语境理解。A. river小河;B. trees树木;C. sky天空,句意:它想飞往清洁的蓝色天空,根据句意及语境此题选C。

小题10:考查固定搭配与语境理解。句意:立刻玛丽把那只鸟从笼子里拿出来让它飞走了,此题是“从……拿出来”,应是take…out of…,故选A。


试题“ Mary loved small animals. One morning while she was walking in the forest, she found weak birds in the grass. She took them home and put them in a small cage …”主要考查了你对新闻报道类阅读,科教类阅读,社会现象类阅读,政治经济类阅读,历史文化类阅读等知识点的理解和应用能力。

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