【答案】On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall

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On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xi’an with his bicycle. The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel ball before though they lived in “the kingdom of bicycles.”

Robert Friedlander, an American, arrived in Xi’an on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Delhi, India.

When he was 11, he read the book Ma-rco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road. Now, after 44 years , he was on the Silk Road in Xi’an and his early dreams were coming true.

Robert Friedlander’s next destinations (目的地) were Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Urumqi, etc. He will complete his trip in Pakistan.

66. The best headline(标题) for this newspaper article would be________.

A. The Kingdom of Bicycles        B. A Beautiful Hotel in Xi’an

C. Marco Polo and the Silk Road    D. An American Achieving His Aims

67. The hotel workers told the manager about Friedlander coming to the hotel because

A. he asked to see the manager

B. he entered the hall with a bike

C. the manager had to know about all foreign guests

D. the manager knew about his trip and was expecting him

68. Friedlander is visiting the three countries in the following order,        .

A. China, Pakistan, and India         B. Pakistan, China, and India

C. India, China, and Pakistan            D. China, India, and Pakistan


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