【答案】In the Caucasus region of the Soviet Union

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In the Caucasus(高加索)region of the Soviet Union,nearly 50 out of every 100,000 people live to celebrate their 100th birthday,and many don’t stop at 100!By comparison,in American only 3 people out of 10,000 reach 100.But these Soviet old people aren’t alone.The Pakistani Hunzas,who live in the Himalaya Mountains and the Uilcabambans of the Andes Mountains in Ecuador,seem to share the secret of long life,too.These peoples remain healthy in body and spirit despite the passage of time.While many elder persons in industrial societies become weak and ill in their 60s and 70s,some Georgians,aged 110 to 140,work in the fields beside their great great grand children.Even the idea of aging is foreign to them,when asked,“at what age does youth end?”most of these old people had no answer.Several replied,“well,perhaps at 80”,the very youngest estimate was age 60.

What accounts for this ability to survive to such old age,and to survive so well?First of all,hard physical work is a way of life for all these long lived people.They begin their long days of physical labor as children and never seem to stop.

All these people get healthful rewards from the environment in which they work.They all come from mountains regions.This reducedoxygen environment makes the heart and blood vessel system stronger.

Another factor that may contribute to the good health of these people is their isolation.To a great extent,they are separated from the pressures and worries of industrial society.Inherited factors also play some role.

(1)Why does the writer mention some longlived people in the first paragraph?[]

A.To surprise his readers.

B.To introduce the subject of the article.

C.To tell you the difference between people in the Soviet Union and America.

D.To tell you why Americans don’t live as long as other people.

(2)How many factors that contribute to long life of the people are mentioned in the article?[]





(3)Whom does the underlined word“they”refer to in Paragraph 2?[]

A.Old people in the Soviet Union.

B.The Pakistani Hunzas.

C.All of the longlived people.

D.Some Georgians.

(4)From the writer’s viewpoint,industrial society ________.[]

A.is highly developed and beneficial to people

B.is a great advance in human history

C.is full of pressures and therefore bad for people’s health

D.should be replaced by isolated environment because it is bad for people’s health

(5)Which of the following is true according to the article?[]

A.It is beneficial for people to be isolated.

B.People should learn to relax themselves from high pressures of life in industrial society.

C.The more hard physical work you do,the more healthy you will be.

D.The more remote areas you live in,the more healthy you will be.
1.B;  2.D;  3.C;  4.C;  5.B;
(1)第一段的实例列举完以后,第二段接着提出问题What accounts for this ability to survive to such old age,and to survive so well?。

(3)见all these longlived people。




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