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1、1. Who is the primitive god in Green-Roman mythology?

A.A. Gaea

B.B. Cronus

C.C. Chaos

D.D. Uranus

正确答案:C. Chaos

2、2. Uranus and Gaea give birth to _ Titans.

A.A. 9

B.B. 12

C.C. 18

D.D. 21

正确答案:B. 12

3、3. _ helps Zeus to defeat Cronus.

A.A. Athena

B.B. Hera

C.C. Aphrodite

D.D. Metis

正确答案:D. Metis

4、4. Ares is the god of _.

A.A. Fire

B.B. War

C.C. Handicraft

D.D. Trifle

正确答案:B. War

5、5. Oceanus is the god of _.

A.A. Sea

B.B. Morality

C.C. Sky

D.D. Earth

正确答案:A. Sea

6、6. Artemis is _ Greek name.

A.A. Venus’s

B.B. Hera’s

C.C. Diana’s

D.D. Athena’s

正确答案:C. Diana’s

7、7. Hestia and Hera are _.

A.A. Lovers

B.B. Sisters

C.C. Brothers

D.D. Rivals in love

正确答案:B. Sisters

8、8. _ is not Zeus’s son.

A.A. Eros

B.B. Ares

C.C. Hephaestus

D.D. Apollo

正确答案:A. Eros

9、9. _ is the queen of the Underworld.

A.A. Demeter

B.B. Rhea

C.C. Leto

D.D. Persephone

正确答案:D. Persephone

10、10. __ forces Cronus to disgorge his sons and daughters.

A.A. Zeus


C.C. Poseidon

D.D. Uranus

正确答案:A. Zeus

1、1. Mr. Ballard once mal-treated Mrs. Ballard.




2、2. Which one of the following is not the description of Mrs. Ballard’s personality?

A.A. She is calm.

B.B. She always restrains feeling.

C.C. She is talkative

D.D. She hates others to impose their will upon her.

正确答案:C. She is talkative

3、3. What is the most important thing in Mrs. Ballard’s life?

A.A. Freedom

B.B. Marriage

C.C. Her husband

D.D. Love

正确答案:A. Freedom

4、4. Mrs. Ballard hided in her room, because she wanted to commit suicide.




5、5. What is the cause of her death?

A.A. Joy because her husband died.

B.B. Despair because her joy was killed.

C.C. joy because her husband came back.

D.D. Sadness over her husband’s death.

正确答案:B. Despair because her joy was killed.

6、6. What is quite important in marriage according to this story?

A.A. Love


C.C. Togetherness


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